Allagash + Patagonia - Range Cap ♻️
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Cue Harmonica 🎶 "Home, Home on the range..." 🎶
"Hey there stranger, why don't cha c'mon over here and sit a spell by the fire? We got some beans a goin' and ol' Chuck here was just delightin' us with his take on music."
"This, here melon topper? Oh it's just something I picked up for the coolin' weather is all. It's from those fine folks over t'ere at Patagonia. They got it all fixed up with that organic cotton, re-cycled materials, a snapback adjuster-ma-bob thing on there and even the name of my favorite brewery. I'm believin' it's called a Range Cap. It's why ol' Chuck wagon there started chewing out that song on his tin sandwich."
"More I think about it though, I don'ts think that you gotta be an outdoorsmen like me and ol' Chuckie to enjoy this hat. I'd be willin' to wager even a city slicker like yerself could wear one! *hyuck* *hyuck*"
"Aww, go on now Chuckie, start that mouth harp a'yers up again while the beans get a little more heat on 'em."
"Ya know friend, I don't dare ta go thinkin' life could get too much better than this."